Author: Tina
A Typical Day On Star
What is a typical day like on Star Island?
7:00 AM Polar Bear Dip
7:30 AM Wake Up
8:00 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Children’s Program
9:15 AM Chapel Service
10:30 AM Adult Program
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Naptime for Tots
2:00 PM Crafts, Art, Tennis, Reading, Rocking
3:30 PM Bell Choir, Softball, Tea
5:30 PM Adult Fellowship Hour
6:30 PM Dinner
7:30 PM Sunset
8:00 PM Talent Show, Pel Show, Auction
9:15 PM Adult Candlelight Chapel
10:00 PM Youth Chapel
11:00 PM Quiet Time
Sustainability on Star
The Green Gosport Initiative
Drawing on a long tradition of creative resource use and conservation at the Isles of Shoals, the Green Gosport Initiative is Star Island’s sustainability program. Named for the original fishing village on the island, this is a reference to the endurance, resilience, and creative spirit of the island communities that have called Star Island home.
As an island with limited resources, Star has long understood how to live within its means. This need for self-reliance has shaped the character of the island’s communities over time and fostered on Star a creative, can-do spirit. Rather than accept paucity at face-value, Shoalers have risen to the challenge, building dynamic and enduring communities over several eras.